Rhàild Bedarwych

Healer, Physician, Miscreant
Age: 28 | Race: Breton | Height: 6' 1" |
Born: 15th Day, Hearthfire | Sign: The Lady |
Hair: Red | Eyes: Blue | Skin: Light almond |
Rhaild is the second son of a prominent Wayrest merchant. Unlike his older brother, Rhaild had little interest in stepping fully into the family business, selling fine fabrics, housewares, and other imports. His talents lay in healing magic and the study of medicine. He entered the mages guild as a young adult and grew in his abilities and grasp of the anatomy of Tamriel's peoples.
In his 20's he departed the guild, but for some continuing education, and began to pick up wealthier clients throughout Wayrest and the surrounding lands. His family name lent itself to his success. All was well until he ran afoul of a prominent Lord, who accused him of killing his daughter.
Regardless of the truth, Rhaild found his reputation dashed in a short time, leaving him with few choices. His family offered him a place without their mercantile but out of the public eye. Unwilling to give up his chosen profession, Rhaild fell in with the city's seedier residents, who more often than not have enough coin to pay for his services. When they didn't have coin, they offered goods in trade, which was lucrative for him once he made connections with fences in the area.
Since that time, he has created a profitable business by referral only. One-part underworld doctor, the other part trading in exclusive wares, with a quiet amount of philanthropy mixed in as he quietly helps the poor where he has recently settled, in the Gold Coast.
Rhaild is a skilled restorative healer, and also knows anatomy and surgical techniques.
Alchemy is something else he utilizes often, and works to continue learning both alchemical practices, along with new plants and reagents.
Years of magical study led to him being proficient with other magical schools such as alternation.
Brought up in a merchant’s household gave him a good eye for quality, negotiation skills, and contracts for buying and selling less legal items.
While he may weird a staff, as many mages do, Rhaild is also a skilled brawler. He learned hand-to-hand combat young and continued his studies combining his knowledge of anatomy to guide the lethality of his strikes.
As a hobby, Rhaild enjoys cooking and will often prepare meals for those close to him.
Rhaild likes fine things and clothing. While a physician may get bloodied, he chooses to change to something more suitable for surgery.
He is skeptical and distrustful by nature. While he presents a jovial, carefree demeanor, he can appear mercurial when he abruptly chooses to walk away from a deal, or potential client.
After a near poisoning, Rhaild carries his own flask and will turn down tavern fair. This can seem eccentric and a point of distrust to some.
Coming soon
Were you injured during a heist? Need a physician? Rhaild can help, for a price.
Hello, thanks for reading. If you’re interested in learning more about my character or would like to RP, contact me below.
In-Game: (PC-NA) @Vil_Kardos
Discord: Vil#5696
Have a good one.